Toilet Gator Chapter Notes – Chapter 111


It may seem hokey, but this was the moment Cole needed.

Admit it.  We’re all guilty of not appreciating the gift of life we’ve been given.  We wallow in our sorrows, feel hopeless, act like being dead wouldn’t be so bad but then, when faced with the prospect of actual death, we realize the alternative is way better.

Cole had to see those big gator jaws coming at him to realize he wasn’t ready to meet his maker.  For most of us though, death won’t come in the form of gator jaws.  It’ll come in the form of heart disease, cancer, some other bodily issue and though inevitable, perhaps we can stave it off as long as we can by exercising, eating right, etc.

Life is better than the alternative.

Toilet Gator Chapter Notes – Chapter 110


“We shall fight the toilet gator on the beaches.  We shall fight the toilet gator on the landing grounds.  We shall fight the toilet gator in the fields and in the streets.  We shall fight the toilet gator in the hills.  We shall never surrender against the toilet gator.”

Do you think Winston Churchill would approve of his speech being used against a toilet gator?

Toilet Gator Chapter Notes – Chapter 109


It’s funny how sometimes characters can develop themselves.  There’s a bit here that I didn’t quite notice, or at least, I didn’t get a possible underlying meaning.

Poor Walter has been griping throughout the book that the reporters he has been paired with over the years were all way too willing to put him into danger just to get a good shot.  Here, he tells Natalie that sticking around to get the ultimate toilet gator shot just isn’t worth the risk of ending up in the toilet gator’s belly.  Natalie agrees and like that, they are a time.  They care about winning the news game, but they also care about each other and don’t want to see the other get hurt.

What do you think Cole is up to?

Toilet Gator Chapter Notes – Chapter 105


OK, I’ll admit it.  The Dumb Dad thing was my chance to crowbar in a whole commentary about sitcoms portray fathers as idiots.  Sure, there are plenty of dads who are dumb, but aren’t there some who are smart?  Can’t there occasionally be a smart dad?  And why are moms always portrayed as geniuses?  Isn’t there at least one dumb mom out there?

Sweet merciful butt nuggets.

Do you think the professor was tripping balls or did that conversation with Sally actually happen?